Friday, April 22, 2011


Hey Guys,

This will be a short little post as I will be leaving in the morning for pender island and will most likely not have Internet. I wanted to post about change and what it kind of means. We are all going to face change in our life from time to time. We are all going to have to face changes in our life, big and small. It might be like me where there is a change between school and summer or a change between jobs all these are small changes that we are going to face for most of our life. There is realistically three ways to deal with change and I have tried all three. Not wanting, apathetic or accepting. Not wanting usually entails putting up a fuss about the whole thing. There is being apathetic which is just absolutely not caring. Then there is accepting and working with it to have the best outcome. But again it is always a choice of free will on how you want to deal with change. The choice is up with you but for me as I look towards what is going on I think I might accept some changes!

Goodbye for now,
Christian Sawka

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